Naslov (tur)

Gayati l-bayan fi tadbir badan al-insan


ibn Nasr Allah, Salih

Opis (eng)

Islamic medicine had its practice and began to resemble our modern medicine.Such medical practice was far ahead of Europe which lived in the Dark Ages. Belief in Quran and Hadiths had its central point and according to them, Muslims had a duty to care for the sick and it was referred to as medicine of the Prophet. According to these sayings, Prophet Muhammed believed that Allah had sent a cure for every illness and that the Muslims should be concerned about body and spirit. Many Hadiths have guidelines for a holistic approach to health. In the beginning of Islam, there were debates about question whether Islamic physicians should use Greek, Chinese and Indian medical techniques since they had been considered as pagans. Such disputes were stopped in a way that physicians were given freedom to choose which technique they wanted to adopt. Year of publishing: 1698/99.

Opis (srp)

Islamska medicina je imala svoju praksu i počela je nalikuje našoj savremenoj medicini. Takva medicinska praksa je bila daleko ispred Evrope koja je živela u mračnom srednjem veku. Vera u Kuran i hadise bila je u centru pažnje i na osnovu njih, muslimani imaju dužnost da se staraju o bolesnima i takva delatnost se smatrala prorokovom medicinom.Na osnovu tih izreka, prorok Muhamed je verovao da je Alah poslao lek za svaku bolest i da bi muslimani trebalo da se staraju o zdravlju tela i duha. Mnogi hadisi imaju uputstvo za holistički pristup zdravlju. Po nastanku islama, vodile su se rasprave o pitanju da li bi islamski lekari trebalo da primenjuju grčke, kineske i indijske medicinske tehnike budući da su oni smatrani paganima. Takve rasprave su okončane tako što je lekarima data sloboda da odaberu koju tehniku žele da prihvate. Godina izdavanja: 1698/99.






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