Naslov (ara)

Al-Quran, al-guz ar-rabi



Opis (eng)

Muslims believe that the Qur'an was precisely memorized, recited and exactly written down by Muhammad's companions, called Sahabas, after each revelation was dictated by Muhammad. Shortly after Muhammad's death the Quran was compiled into a single book by order of the first CaliphAbu Bakr and at the suggestion of his future successor Umar. Hafsa, who was Muhammad's widow and Umar's daughter, was entrusted with that Quran text after the second Caliph Umar died. When Uthman, the third Caliph, began to notice slight differences in Arabic dialect he asked Hafsa to allow him to use the text in her possession to be set as the standard dialect, the Quraish dialect now known as Fus'ha (Modern Standard Arabic).

Opis (srp)

Muslimani veruju da su Muhamedovi pratioci, zvani sahabi, posle svakog otkrovenja koje je on diktirao tačno upamtili Kuran, izrecitovali i tačno zabeležili. Ubrzo posle Muhamedove smrti, Kuran je sastavljen u jednu knjigu po naredbi prvog halife Abu Bakra i na predlog njegovog budućeg naslednika Umara. Hafsi, Muhamedovoj udovici i Umarovoj kćeri, poveren je taj kuranski tekst pošto je umro drugi halifa Umar. Kada je Utman, treći halifa, počeo da primećuje izvesne razlike u arapskom dijalektu, zamolio je Hafsu da mu dozvoli da upotrebi taj tekst koji je posedovala kako bi ustanovio standardni dijalekat, dijalekat plemena Kurejš, danas poznat kao fusha (savremeni standardni arapski).






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