Naslov (srp)

Uticaj različitih izvora masti na proizvodne rezultate i kvalitet mesa tovnih svinja : doktorska disertacija


Todorović, Milica, 1984-


Marković, Radmila, 1965-
Marković, Radmila, 1965-
Šefer, Dragan, 1963-
Baltić, Milan Ž., 1948-
Tešić, Milan, 1950-

Opis (eng)

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different sources of fat in the diet on productive performance and meat quality of finishing pigs. Organized view of the 30 pigs crossbred Yorkshire x Landrace, with an initial body weight of 60 kg. The pigs were divided into three groups of ten and the experiment lasted 46 days until the average body weight of about 100 kg. They were fed with standard mixture, except that the groups were differed only in the fact that the first experimental group (I) fed the grain sunflower in the meal, the second experimental group (II) product of flax seed at the recommended rate of 2.5% in the mixture, and the third experimental group (III) fed full-fat soybean meal. We analyzed the chemical composition and fatty acid composition of the feed, and then analyzed the fat and meat of the content of n-3 and n-6 fatty acids, as well as their relationship with feed, adipose tissue and bone. Determined and production results, the parameters of carcass parameters and sensory properties of meat. At the end of the production efficiency was tested by using different sources of fat in the diet of animals. The average content of saturated fatty acids (SFA) in the mixture for pigs, in the experimental group which was fed a diet with flax had significantly less SFA content compared to the other two groups of pigs. The average content of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) in the mixture for pigs was significantly higher while the content of, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) significantly decreased in compared the content of MUFA and PUFA in a mixture of the other two experimental groups. Between the average content of n-6 and n-3 fatty acids in diets for pigs resulted in statistically significant differences were shown. Statistically significant differences between the ratios of n-6/n-3 fatty acids in diets for pigs were also determined. The average body weight of pigs at the beginning of the experiment, 30 days and 46 days from the start of the experiment (at the end of the experiment) was not significantly different between compared groups of pigs. Average daily gain and total weight gain were numerically greater in pigs fed with the addition of flax. This group also had a higher average daily intake and the best feed conversion. Between the average masses of warm and cold carcass weight, backfat thickness, carcass leanness of pigs and chilling carcasses of the compared groups of pigs there weren’t statistically significant differences. It was found that the average yield of pigs was significantly different from all groups of pigs which were compared. There were no statistically significant differences in the chemical composition of meat (water content, fat, protein and ash) between groups of pigs which were compared. The average content of the saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids in the adipose tissue of pigs fed with the addition of flax was significantly higher, while the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids was significantly lower than the content of these acids in the adipose tissue of the other two groups which were compared. The average content of n-6 fatty acids in adipose tissue was significantly lower, while the content of n-3 fatty acids were significantly higher in pigs fed with the addition of flax in the diet...

Opis (srp)

Cilj ispitivanja ove doktorske disertacije bio je ispitivanje uticaja različitih izvora masti u hrani na proizvodne rezultate i kvalitet mesa tovnih svinja. Organizovan je ogled na 30 svinja meleza Jorkšira x Landrasa, sa početnom telesnom masom od 60 kg. Svinje su bile podeljene u tri grupe, po deset životinnja i ogled je trajao 46 dana do postizanja prosečne telesne mase oko 100 kg. Hranjene su standardnom smešom, s tim što su se grupe jedino razlikovale u tome što je I ogledna grupa imala u obroku zrno suncokreta, II ogledna grupa preparat semena lana u preporučenoj količini od 2,5% u smeši, a III ogledna grupa sojin griz. Ispitivan je hemijski i masnokiselinski sastav hrane, masnog tkiva i mesa, sadržaj n-3 i n-6 masnih kiselina, kao i njihov odnos u hrani, masnom tkivu i mesu. Praćeni su i proizvodni rezultati, parametri mesnatosti trupa i senzorne osobine mesa. Na kraju je ispitana ekonomičnost proizvodnje upotrebom različitih izvora masti u ishrani životinja. Prosečan sadržaj zasićenih masnih kiselina (SFA) u smeši za ishranu svinja kod ogledne grupe koja je hranjena uz dodatak lana hrani bio je statistički značajno manji od sadržaja SFA kod druge dve poređene grupe svinja. Prosečan sadržaj mononezasićenih masnih kiselina (MUFA) u smeši za ishranu svinja bio je statistički značajno veći, a polinezasićenih masnih kiselina (PUFA) statistički značajno manji od sadržaja MUFA, odnosno PUFA u smeši za ishranu svinja druge dve grupe. Između prosečnih sadržaja n-6, odnosno n-3 masnih kiselina u smešama za ishranu svinja utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike. Takođe su utvrđene i statistički značajne razlike između odnosa n-6/n-3 masnih kiselina u smešama za ishranu svinja. Prosečna telesna masa svinja na početku ogleda, 30. dana i 46. dana od početka ogleda (na kraju tova) nije bila statistički značajno različita između poređenih grupa svinja. Prosečan dnevni prirast i ukupan prirast bio je numerički najveći kod svinja koje su hranjene uz dodatak lana. Ova grupa imala je i veću prosečnu dnevnu konzumaciju i najbolju konverziju hrane. Između prosečnih masa toplih, odnosno masa hladnih polutki, debljine leđne slanine, mesnatosti trupova svinja i kala hlađenja trupova poređenih grupa svinja nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike. Utvrđeno je da je prosečan randman svinja bio statistički značajno različit od svih poređenih grupa svinja. Nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u hemijskom sastavu mesa (sadržaj vode, masti, proteina, pepela) poređenih grupa svinja. Prosečan sadržaj zasićenih, odnosno mononezasićenih masnih kiselina u masnom tkivu svinja koje su hranjene uz dodatak lana bio je satistički značajno veći, a polinezasićenih masnih kiselina statistički značajno manji od sadržaja ovih kiselina u masnom tkivu druge dve poređene grupe svinja. Prosečan sadržaj n-6 masnih kiselina u masnom tkivu bio je statistički značajno manji a n-3 značajno veći kod svinja koje su hranjene uz dodatak lana. Svinje hranjene smešom uz dodatak lana imale su i statistički značajno povoljniji odnos n- 6/n-3 masnih kiselina u masnom tkivu...

Opis (srp)

Veterinarska medicina - Ishrana / Veterinary medicine - Nutrition Datum odbrane : 25.12.2014






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OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Zoohigijena. Zootehnika

svinje, ishrana, masne kiseline, kvalitet mesa


OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Zoohigijena. Zootehnika

swine, diet, fatty acids, meat quality