Ar-Risalatu l-mansuba ila dibaga ganiyya
, Hamza Efendi
Od samog nastanka, islam je pokazivao veliko zanimanje za retoričku praksu i teoriju. Umeće govorništva pred javnošću, naročito oratorstvo, ima veoma značajnu ulogu u istoriji islama. U arapskom jeziku ne postoji odgovarajući ekvivalent za reč retorika. To značenje pokrivaju dva termina; balaga i hataba. Prvi predstavlja ekvivalent govorničkoj tradiciji na Zapadu pošto podrazumeva trope i govorne figure. Drugi imamalo sličnosti sa retorikom u smislu javnog govora i govorničkog umeća. Stoga je bliži značenju pojmu retorika.
From its very beginning, Islam showed a great interest in practice and theory of rhetoric. The art of public speaking, especially oratory, had had a very important role in the history of Islam. There is no precise equivalent in Arabic for the word rhetoric. Two terms with that meaning are al-balagha and al-khataba. The first one is an equivalent to rhetoric tradition in the West since it deals with tropes and figures of speech. The second one has little similarity with rhetoric in the sense of public speaking and oratorical art. Therefore, it is a closer counterpart torhetoric
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