Risala fi ilm al-hisab
ibn al-Husayn, Baha ad-din Muhammad
In the 7th and 8th centuries the Arabs, united by Mohammed, conquered the land from India, across northern Africa, to Spain. In the following centuries (through the 14th) they pursued the arts and sciences and were responsible for most of the scientific advances made in the west. Although the language was Arabic many of the scholars were Greeks, Christians, Persians, or Jews. Their most valuable contribution was the preservation of Greek learning through the middle ages, and it is through their translations that much of what we know today about the Greeks became available. In addition they made original contributions of their own. They took over and improved the Hindu number symbols and the idea of positional notation. These numerals (the Hindu-Arabic system of numeration) and the algorithms for operating with them were transmitted to Europe around 1200 and are in use throughout the world today. Year of publishing: 1676.
U sedmom i osmom veku, Arapi su, pošto ih je Muhamed ujedinio, osvojili teritoriju koja se od Indije, preko severne Afrike prostirala sve do Španije. U narednim vekovima (sve do četrnaestog veka) bavili su se veštinama i naukama i bili su odgovorni za većinu naučnih dostignuća na zapadu. Iako je zvаničan jezik bio arapski, mnogi naučnici su bili Grci, hrišćani, Persijanci i Jevreji. Njihov najvredniji doprinos bio je nastavаk učenja grčkog tokom srednjeg veka i zahvaljujući njihovim prevodima saznali smo mnogo toga o Grcima. Uz to, i sami su imali originalni doprinos. Preuzeli su i unapredili indijski brojčani sistem i pojam beleženja brojeva. Te brojke (indijsko arapski sistem numeracije) i algoritmi za njihove operacije prenеti su u Evropu oko 1200. godine i danas su u upotrebi širom sveta. Godina izdavanja: 1676.
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