Hašiya ala muhtasar al-maani
al-Ibadi, Šahab ad-din Ahmad ibn Qasim
Bagdadskom filozofijom su vladali samosvojni peripatetici koji su se predstavljali kao da, posle perioda prekida, ponovo uspostavljaju pravo Aristotelovo učenje. Vodeće figure tog pokreta su bili sirijski hrišćanin Abu Bišr Mata ibn Junus (umro 940) i njegov mladi kolega musliman Abu Nasr Al-Farabi (umro 950). Na samom početku desetog veka, Abu Bišr je sve većem arapskom Organonu dodao prevode sasirijačkog Poetike i Prve analitike. On i njegove kolege su isto tako doprineli i tradiciji komentara na svaki odeljak Organona.
Baghdad philosophy was dominated by self-styled Peripatetics who presented themselves as reestablishing Aristotle's true teachings after a period of rupture. The leading lights of this movement were the Syriac Christian AbûBishrMattâibnYûnus (d. 940) and his younger Muslim colleague, Abû Nasr Al-Farabi (d. 950). In the early 900s, AbûBishr added translations from the Syriac of the Poetics and the Posterior Analytics to the growing Arabic Organon. He and his colleagues also contributed to a commentary tradition on each component of the Organon.
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