Naslov (ara)

Šarh aškal at-tasis


as-Samarqandi, As-Sayyid Šams ad-din

Opis (srp)

Prvi arapski spis iz oblasti geometrije može se datirati u deveti vek kada je Muhamed ibn Musa al-Hvarizmi objavio traktat o geometriji u kojem postoji značajan deo koji se odnosi na geometriju u njegovom poglavlju o merama – bab al-misaha. Posle tog spisa, na arapskom je napisan veliki broj radova, od kojih je mnogo njih bilo povezano sa grčkim i drugim starim rukopisima, ali sve više unoseći originalne ideje. Ti spisi se grubo mogu podeliti na tri glavne kategorije: • prevodi sa grčkog i drugih jezika kao i druga originalna dela koja su od njih proistekla. Glavni izvor su bili Euklifovi Elementi, ali dela Arhimeda, Apolonija, Teodosija i Menelaja su bila referenta za • doprinos geometrije drugim naukama, naročito astronomiji i • kao priručnici za one koji radena nadzor u i građenju objekata. Godina izdavanja: 1722.

Opis (eng)

The first Arabic writings on geometry can be dated from the early ninth century with the publication of Muhammad ibn Musa al Khwaarizmi’streatise on algebra in which there is a considerable section dealing with geometry in his chapter on measurement – bab al misaaha. Following this publication there was a extensive body of work produced in Arabic, much of it dependent upon Greek and other earlier writings, but increasingly incorporating original thinking. They might be loosely divided into three general categories: • translations of Greek and other languages as well as original work derived from them. The main source was Euclid’s ‘Elements’, but works by Archimedes, Apollonius, Theodosius and Menelaus were also referred to, • geometric contributions to other sciences, particularly astronomy, and • manuals for those working in the field of surveying and building construction. Year of publishing: 1722.






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