Hašiya ala l-mutawwal
Sayti, Qasim
ibn Safar, Haggi Muhammad
Two further periods of logical activity should be noted, though they are as yet so little explored that we can identify them only with temporal boundariesand characterize them only with speculative gestures. The first of these is the long period from the 1350s to the invasions of the metropolitan powers. During these five hundred or so years, thousands and thousands of pages were devoted to logical subjects, a tiny fraction of which has been explored. The first and most dangerous pitfall facing the historian is the assumption that there was a decline in logical studies in the realms under Muslim control that corresponds with the sixteenth century decline of the subject in early modern Europe. Year of publishing: 1746/47.
Trebalo bi spomenuti dva perioda aktivnosti na planu logike mada su oni do sada tako malo istraženi da ih možemo prepoznati isključivo u vremenskim okvirima i okarakterisati ih samo teorijski. Prvi je dugačak period od polovine četrnaestog veka do invazije imperijalnih sila. Tokom tih otprilike pet stotina godina, logici je posvećeno na hiljade stranica, od kojih je proučen tek neznatan deo. Prva i najopasnija zamka na koju istoričar nailazi jeste pretpostavka da je na teritoriji pod vlašću muslimana došlo do slabljenja logičkih studija koji se dovodi u vezu sa opadanjem takvog izučavanja u ranom periodu savremene evropske istorije. Godina izdavanja: 1746/47.
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