Naslov (ara)

Maalim at-tanzil fi tafsir al-Quran


al-Bagawi, Abu Muhammad al-Husayn ibn al-Fara


ibnRagab Efendi, Sulayman ibn Sad ad-din ibn as-Sulayman

Opis (srp)

Ibn Džarir je posredstvom Muhameda ibn Bašara Muamala, Sufjana i Abul Zanada zabeležio da je Ibn Abas rekao sledeće: „Postoje četiri vrste tafsira: onaj koji Arapi znaju iz jezika, drugi, za koji niko ne može imati opravdanja što ga ne zna, treći, koji znaju samo naučnici i četvrti, koji zna samo Bog.“ Tokom prorokovog života, njegovi pratioci su umeli da mu postavljaju pitanja vezana za tumačenje Kurana i različite aspekte odredaba koje su u njemu nalaze. Prorok im je obično objašnjavao otkrovenje. Islamski naučnici veruju da je ishod takvih pitanja bio takav da su pratioci znali sve o uzrocima otkrovenja, asbab an-nazul od nekoliko stihova. Saznali su, isto tako, i koji stihovi su odbačeni i koji su zamenjeni drugim stihovima. Godina izdavanja: 1805/06.

Opis (eng)

Ibn Jarir has reported through Muhammad ibnBashsharMuammal, Sufyan and Abul Zanad that Ibn Abbas said, "tafsir is of four kinds: One which Arabs can know from the language; second which no one can be excused for not knowing; third which only the scholars know; and fourth, which God alone knows."During the lifetime of the Prophet, his companions used to ask him questions relating to the interpretation of the Qur'an and the different aspects of the injunctions contained in it. The prophet used to explain to them the revelation. Muslim scholars believe that the result of such inquiries was that the companions came to know all about the causes of revelation, Asbab an-Nazul of different verses. They also became aware of the verses that were abrogated and those verses that were replaced by other verses. Year of publishing: 1805/06.






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