Naslov (ara)

Bismi l-Lahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, al-hamdu l-Lahi ala muamaihi wa s-sala ala sayyidi anbiyaihi wa ala alihi wa as-habihi wa ahatbaih


ibn Mustafa, Ali

Opis (eng)

An Arabic term, mantiq, means 'logic'. The study of mantiq was initially part of the foreign sciences, and only in the twelfth century was it accepted as an essential preliminary to a Muslim education. The other essential elements were the Islamic sciences, sciences which prepared a scholar to read the Koranand Traditions, and to extract from them theological and legal doctrines. One such science was the etiquette of debate, in which pragmatic arrangements stipulated for a debate about legal principles were extended to serve as rules for any kind of debate at all; it was to replace dialectic by the fourteenth century. Year of publishing: 1766/1767

Opis (srp)

Izučavanje logike je predstavljalo početak četiriju stranih nauka i tek u dvanaestom veku, ona je prihvaćena kao suštinska osnova za obrazovanje muslimana. Drugi suštinski elementi bile su islamske nauke, nauke pomoću kojih se obrazovani musliman pripremao za citanje Kurana i tradicije i iz njih izvlačio teološke i pravne doktrine. Jedna takva nauka bila je rasprava gde su pragmatične klasifikacije nužno uslovljene za raspravu o pravnim načelima bile dodatno proširene kao pravila za sve vrste rasprava; do četrnaestog veka,dijalektika je bila zamenjena. Godina izdavanja: 1766/1767.






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