Qanun name-i cedid
, Abu s-Suud
Šiitski muslimani proširuju osnovni kodeks fikhom i u nekim slučajevima odbacuju analogiju. Istovremeno, oni veruju da je islam dugo stvaran da bi se suočio sa današnjim izumima i kulturom. U periodu posle prorokove smrti, sunitski naučnici su razvijali teološku misao dok su u isto vreme šiitski imami živi podučavali i širili prvobitnu poruku islama. Pošto dvanaest imama vodi poreklo od prorokove porodice, šiiti veruju da polažu veće pravo na vođstvo i širenje poruke islama pošto ih vide kao produžetak prvobitne sune koju je prorok lično podučavao.
Shi'a Muslims also extend the "Basic Code" with fiqh, and in some aspects reject analogy. At the same time, they believe Islam was long designed to meets today's innovations and culture. During the period after Prophet's death, Sunni scholars developed, at the same time the Shi'a Imams were alive teaching and spreading the original message of Islam. Since the 12 Imams are descendent of the Prophet's family Shi'a believe they have a greater right on leadership and spreading the message of Islam, as a result Shi'a view them as an extension of the original Sunnah taught by the Prophet himself.
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