Naslov (ara)

Durar al-hukkam fi šarh gurar al-ahkam


ibn Faramurz, Muhammad


ibn Mahmud, Ahmad

Opis (srp)

Idžtihad koji su sprovodili pratioci Muhameda bio je uvek kao odgovor na situacije na koje su nailazili. Kasnije, kada bi se susretali sa prorokom, objašnjavali bi šta se dešava i govorili mu šta su odlučili. Ponekad bi odobrio njihov idžtihad i takve njihove odluke (pošto ih je prorok odobrio) postajale bi deo sune. Ako ne bi odobrio njihov idžtihad, deo sune bi postajalo njegovo objašnjenje ispravne procedure. Shodno tome, možemo reći da je u toj fazi pravosuđe zavisilo od dva oblika Božjeg otkrovenja, vahja: -glasno izgovoreni vahjmatlu, ili potpuno neponovljivi Kuran, idžaz, -otkrovenje koje nije glasno izgovoreno, vahjgajrmatlu, ili prorokova suna. Godina izdavanja: 1473.

Opis (eng)

The Ijtihad made by the Companions was always in response to situations which actually occurred to them. Later, when they met the Prophet, they would explain what happened and tell him what they had decided. Sometimes he approved of their Ijtihad, and such decisions of theirs (having gained the approval of the Prophet) became a part of the Sunnah. If he disapproved of their Ijtihad, his explanation of the correct procedure would become the Sunnah. Thus, we can say that at that stage legislation depended on the two forms of Divine revelation Wahy: -Recited revelation WahyMatlu; or the Qur'anwith its absolute inimitability I'jaz -Non-recited revelation WahyGhayrMatlu; or the Sunnah of the Prophet. Year of publishing: 1473.






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