Gunyatu l-mutamalli
al-Halabi, Ibrahim ibn Muhammad ibn Ibrahim
The two groups also disagree on Ali's attitude towards Abu Bakr, and the two caliphs who succeeded him: Umar and Uthman ibn Affan. Sunnis tend to stress Ali's acceptance and support of their rule, while the Shia claim that he distanced himself from them, and that he was being kept from fulfilling the religious duty that Muhammad had appointed to him. Sunnis maintain that if Aliwas the rightful successor as ordained by God, then it would have been his duty as leader of the Muslim nation to make war with these people (Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman) until Ali established the decree. Year of publishing: 1701.
Dve grupe se ne slažu ni oko Alijevog odnosa prema Abu Bakru i dvojici halifa koji su ga nasledili: Umaru i Utmanu ibn Afanu. Suniti teže da naglase Alijevo prihvatanje i podršku njihovoj vladavini dok šiiti tvrde da se on od njih distancirao i da su ga sprečavali da ispunjava versku dužnost koju mu je Muhamed namenio. Suniti tvrde, ako je Ali legitimni naslednik kojeg je odredio Bog, onda bi bila njegova dužnost vođe islamske zajednice da zapodene rat protiv tih ljudi (Abu Bakra, Umara i Utmana) svedok ne bi ispunio ono što je utvrđeno. Godina izdavanja: 1701.
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