Mantiq al-gayb
ibn Šayh Zahir, Musa
Modern Western scholars are much less likely than Sunni Islamic scholars to trust the work of the Abbasid historians. Western historians approach the classic Islamic histories with varying degrees of circumspection. Hadith compilations are records of the traditions or sayings of Muhammad. It might bedefined as the biography of Muhammad perpetuated by the long memory of his community for their exemplification and obedience. The development of hadith is a vital element during the first three centuries of Islamic history. There had been a common tendency among the earlier western scholars against these narrations and reports gathered in later periods; such scholars regarding themas later fabrications.
Savremeni naučnici na zapadu više od sunitskih islamskih naučnika veruju delima abasidskih istoričara. Zapadni istoričari pristupaju klasičnoj islamskoj istoriji sa različitim stepenom obazrivosti. Kompilacije hadisa predstavljaju zapise tradicije ili onoga što je Muhamed rekao. To bi se moglo nazvati Muhamedovom biografijom ovekovečene dugim pamćenjem zajednice zahvaljujući potvrđivanju primera i poslušnosti. Razvitak hadisa predstavlja životni element tokom prva tri veka islamske istorije. Među ranijim zapadnim naučnicima postojala je uobičajena težnja protiv tih pripovesti i svedočanstava sakupljenih u kasnijem periodu, ti naučnici su ih smatrali kasnijim falsifikatima.
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