Bismi l-Lahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, al-hamdu li l-Lah rabbi l-alamin wa l-aqiba...
, Abu l-Sayt
Abu Bakr je na skupu predložio da bi ljudi trebalo da izaberu ili Umara ili Abu Ubajda pošto su obojica bili sposobni članovi plemena Kurejš. Umar je smesta zgrabio Abu Bakra za ruku i dao mu baju (oglasio vlastitu odanost, arapski običaj) što je dovelo do toga da ostali ljudi na skupu takođe daju baju. Umar je kasnije taj postupak opisao kao faltu, brzu i naglu odluku. Međutim, ta odluka se ne bi vezivala za druge muslimane da oni nisu odlučili da daju svoju baju što su učinili svi osim Alijevih pobornika. Godina izdavanja: 1614/15.
Abu Bakr suggested to the gathering that the people should choose either Umar or Abu Ubayda, as both were capable men of the Quraysh. Umar immediately grabbed Abu Bakr's hand and gave him bay'ah (declared his allegiance; an Arabian custom) causing the rest of the men at the gathering to also give their bay'ah. Umar later described this process as a falta, a rushed and hasty decision. However, this decision would not have been binding upon the rest of the Muslims unless they themselves chose to give their bay'ah, which all save the supporters of Ali did. Year of publishing: 1614/15.
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