Bismi l-Lahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, qawluhu suratu Taha...
ibn Sulayman, Ismail
The commentator or exegete of Al-Quran is called amufassir. His responsibility is to explain the text of the Qur'an as fully as possible. He aims to show where, when and why a subject is written and what it meant during the time of the Prophet, his companions and subsequent followers. He eventually tries to make the text communicate meaningfully within his own time and cultural framework. Year of publishing: 1664.
Tumač ili komentator Kurana naziva se mufasir. Njegov zadatak je da objasni tekst Kurana što je potpunije moguće. Njegov cilj je da pokaže gde, kada i zašto je zapisan neki deo i šta je označavao tokom vremena proroka Muhameda, njegovih saboraca i potonjih sledbenika. Napokon, on nastoji da doprinese tome da tekst deluje smisleno u skladu sa vremenom u kojem živi i u skladu sa kulturnim okvirom. Godina izdavanja: 1664.
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