Inshas were manuals compiled by chancery secretaries who would have served a long apprenticeship in the quest to achieve an unsurpassed mastery of the language. It later became acknowledged as the highest form of secretaryship which was itself regarded as the craft most suited to educated persons. In the nineteenth century, Said al-Shartuni defines it as the art of expressing what is intended by choosing the appropriate expressions and arranging them accordingly.
Inše su bila uputstva koja su sastavljali sekretari kancelarija koji bi služili dugu obuku sa ciljem da postignu nenadmašno veštinu korišćenja jezika. Inša je kasnije priznata kao najviši oblik sekretarskog posla koji je smatran veštinom najprikladnijom obrazovanim ljudima. Said aš-Šartuni u devetnaestom veku definiše inšu kao veštinu izražavanja onog što je namereno izborom odgovarajućih izraza i njihovim uređivanjem u skladu sa tim.
Inshas were manuals compiled by chancery secretaries who would have served a long apprenticeship in the quest to achieve an unsurpassed mastery of the language. It later became acknowledged as the highest form of secretaryship which was itself regarded as the craft most suited to educated persons. In the nineteenth century, Said al-Shartuni defines it as the art of expressing what is intended by choosing the appropriate expressions and arranging them accordingly.
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