Naslov (ara)

Hawa l-gayd al-hisan huwa l-gunun id araf at-taharruk wa s-sukun...


ubsm_ljpopovac, Korisnik

Opis (srp)

Najbolji primeri citiranih pesama su prikupljeni u osmom veku kao mualake što znači "okačene pesme" (pošto su bile okačene ili na Kabu ili unutar nje) i mufadalije što znači al-Mufadalov pregled ili antologija. Svrha mualaka je isto tako bila da budu konačni izvor produkcije tog perioda sa svega po jednim primerkom dela svih takozvanih "sedmorice čuvenih" iako razne verzije se razlikuju u kojima se biraju "čuveni". Mufadalije, s druge strane, sadrže prilično nasumičnu zbirku.

Opis (eng)

The very best of these early poems were collected in the 8th century as the Mu'allaqat meaning "the hung poems" (because they were hung on or in the Kaaba) and the Mufaddaliyat meaning al-Mufaddal's examination or anthology. The Mu'allaqat also aimed to be the definitive source of the era's output with only a single example of the work of each of the so-called "seven renowned ones", although different versions differ in which "renowned ones" they chose. The Mufaddaliyat on the other hand contains rather a random collection.






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