Kitab fatawa
ibn Utman, Muhammad
Due to the lack of a central unifying rulemaker, different sheiks may give different answers to the same question. This leaves an opportunity for the controversial practice of "fatwa shopping", in which an individual asks the same question of different sheiks until they receive an answer they like. Examples of famous or controversial fatwa include the following:Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in 1989 pronounced a death sentence on Salman Rushdie, the author of The Satanic Verses. In 2001, religious authorities in the United Arab Emirates issued a fatwa against the children's game Pokémon, after finding that it encouraged gambling, and was based on the theory of evolution, "a Jewish-Darwinist theory, that conflicts with the truthabout humans and with Islamic principles". Year of publishing: 1689.
Pošto ne postoji neki centralni jedinstveni zakonodavac, razni šeici mogu različito odgovoriti na isto pitanje. To stvara mogućnost za kontroverznu praksu tzv. kupovanja fetve gde pojedinac postavlja isto pitanje raznim šeicima sve dok ne dobije odgovor koji mu se sviđa. Primeri čuvenih ili kontroverznih fetvi jesu sledeći: Ajatolah Ruholah Homeini je 1989. izdao smrtnu presudu Salmanu Rušdiju, autoru Satanskih stihova; 2001. godine verski autoriteti u Ujedinjenim Arapskim Emiratima su izdali fetvu protiv dečje igre Pokemon pošto su utvrdili da ona podstiče kocku i da je zasnovana na teoriji evolucije, "jevrejsko-darvinističkoj teoriji koja se kosi sa istinom o ljudskim bićima i islamskim načelima". Godina izdavanja: 1689.
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