Naslov (lat)

Q. Curti Rufi Historiarum Alexandri Magni Macedonis libri qui supersunt


Curtius Rufus, Quintus


Vogel, Theodor


Aedibus B. G. Teubneri

Opis (eng)

A critical edition of the Curtius Rufus’ De gestis Alexandri Magni, edited by a German philologist Theodor Vogel (1836–1912). Quintus Curtius Rufus was a Roman historian from the 1st century AD. His only surviving work is a biography of Alexander the Great in Latin in ten books, of which the first two are lost, and the remaining eight are incomplete. In this work can be found many errors regarding geography, chronology and military knowledge and it could be supposed that its main aim was to make an allusion to tyrannical reigns of the contemporary Roman emperors. Year of publishing: 1880

Opis (srp)

Kritičko izdanje dela Kurcija Rufa De gestis Alexandri Magni, koje je priredio nemački filolog Teodor Fogel (1836–1912). Kvint Kurcije Ruf je bio rimski istoričar iz 1. veka n. e. Njegovo jedino sačuvano delo je biografija Aleksandra Velikog u deset knjiga, od kojih su prve dve izgubljene, a preostalih osam nepotpuno. U ovom delu mogu se naći mnoge greške iz geografije, hronologije i poznavanja vojne veštine i može da se pretpostavi da mu je glavna svrha bila aluzija na tiranske vladavine savremenih rimskih careva. Godina izdavanja: 1880.






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Alexander the Great (356BC-323BC)

Aleksandar Veliki (356BC-323BC)