Naslov (deu)

Alexander : Gedicht des zwölften Jahrhunderts. Bd. 2, Uebersetzung des Pseudo-Kallisthenes nebst den Auszügen. Pseudo-Kallisthenes. Julius Valerius. Itinerarium Alexandri. Li romans d'Alixandre par Lambert li Tors et Alexandre de Bernay. Proben aus zwei französischen prosa-romanen. Der gedruckte französische Prosa-roman. Kyng Alisaunder. The romaunce of Alexander. Die hebräischen Darstellungen der Alexandersagen etc. Alexander bei den Persern. Alexander bei den Türken.


Weismann, Heinrich


Literarische Anstalt (J. Rütten)

Opis (srp)

Kritičko izdanje Lamprehtove Alexanderlied (sa prevodom na moderni nemački), praćeno prevodima nekoliko drugih (latinskih, francuskih, engleskih, persijskih i turskih) verzija Romana o Aleksandru, koje je priredio nemački filolog Hajnrih Vajsman (1808–1890). Lampreht je bio nemački pesnik iz 12. veka. Napisao je Alexanderlied, prvi nemački svetovni ep komponovan po francuskom modelu, koji predstavlja jednu od mnogobrojnih srednjovekovnih verzija Romana o Aleksandru. Prema samom Lamprehtu, njegov ep je nastao po uzoru na ep o Aleksandru Velikom Alberika de Bezansona, koji je samo delimično sačuvan. Godina izdavanja: 1850.

Opis (eng)

A critical edition of the Lamprecht Der Pfaffe’s Alexanderlied (with a translation in modern German), followed by the translations of several other (Latin, French, English, Persian and Turkish) versions of the Alexander romance, edited by a German philologist Heinrich Weismann (1808–1890). Lamprecht Der Pfaffe (The Priest) was a German poet of the 12th century. He is the author of the Alexanderlied, the first German secular epic composed on a French model, one of many medieval versions of the Alexander romance. According to Lamprecht’s own statement, the model of his epic was a poem on Alexander the Great by Albéric de Besançon, which is only partly preserved. Year of publishing: 1850






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Aleksandar Veliki (356BC-323BC)


Alexander the Great (356BC-323BC)

Alexander romance