Naslov (dan)

Alexander den Store i den orientalske overlevering


Christensen, Arthur


Gyldendalske Boghandel, Nordisk Forlag

Opis (srp)

Kratka studija o orijentalnoj verziji Aleksandride koju je napisao Artur Kristensen (1875–1945), danski orijentalista i istraživač iranske istorije, filologije i folklora. Kristensen je autor velikog broja važnih dela na temu Irana. Kristensenovo remek delo je delo L’empire des Sassanides. Le peuple, l’état, la cour (1907), temeljna rekonstrukcija istorije, društvene strukture i administracije Sasanidskog carstva (Persijskog carstva kojim je vladala dinastija Sasanida od 224 do 651). Godina izdavanja: 1910.

Opis (eng)

A short study of the Oriental versions of the Alexander romance, written by Arthur Christensen (1875–1945), a Danish orientalist and scholar of Iranian history, philology and folklore. Christensen was the author of a great number of important works on Iranian subjects. Christensen’s magnum opus was his work L’empire des Sassanides. Le peuple, l’état, la cour (1907), a thorough reconstruction of the history, social structure, and administration of Sassanid Empire (Persian Empire, ruled by the Sasanian Dynasty from 224 to 651). Year of publishing: 1910






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Aleksandar Veliki (356BC-323BC)


Alexander the Great (356BC-323BC)

Alexander romance