Naslov (lat)

De Itinerario Alexandri Magni


Kluge, Karl Theodor


Typis officinae A. Neumanni

Opis (eng)

A doctoral dissertation about the Itinerarium Alexandri (“The Journey of Alexander”), written by a German philologist Karl Theodor Kluge (b. 1836). The Itinerarium Alexandri describes Alexander the Great’s journey of conquest over the Persian Empire and it contains a description of Alexander’s life from his ascendance to the throne to his conquests in India. The content of the texts draws heavily on the Anabasis of Alexander by Arrian and it has similarities to the Alexander romance. The author is unknown, but is suspected to have been composed ca. 340 by Julius Valerius. The book also contains a critical edition of the Julius Valerius’ principal work Res gestae Alexandri Macedonis. Year of publishing: 1861

Opis (srp)

Doktorska disertacija Karla Teodora Klugea (r. 1836) o delu Itinerarium Alexandri. Itinerarium Alexandri opisuje Aleksandrovo osvajanje Persijskog carstva i sadrži opis života Aleksandra Velikog od stupanja na presto do osvajanja Indije. Sadržaj se velikim delom zasniva na Arijanovoj Anabazi i ima sličnosti sa Romanom o Aleksandru. Autor je nepoznat, ali se pretpostavlja da ga je oko 340. g. napisao Julije Valerije. Knjiga sadrži i kritičko izdanje glavnog dela Julija Valerija, Res gestae Alexandri Macedonis. Godina izdavanja: 1861.






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Aleksandar Veliki (356BC-323BC)


Alexander the Great (356BC-323BC)

Alexander romance