Naslov (deu)

Alexander des Grossen Feldzüge in Turkestan : Kommentar zu den Geschichtswerken des Flavius Arrianus und Q. Curtius Rufus auf Grund vieljähriger Reisen im russischen Turkestan und den angrenzenden Ländern : mit zwei Tafeln, sechs Terrainaufnahmen und einer Uebersichts-Karte der Feldzüge Alexanders


Schwarz, Franz von


Dr. E. Wolff & Dr. H. Lüneburg

Opis (srp)

Iscrpan komentar o izvodima iz Arijanove Anabaze koji se odnose na Aleksandra Velikog i njegovo osvajenje Male Azije. Studiju je napisao nemački astronom i meteorolog Franc von Švarc (1847–1903). Švarc je živeo i radio šesnaest godina u Taškentu i autor je nekoliko dela o istoriji i etnografiji naroda Turkmenistana. Knjiga je ilustrovana i sadrži sedam mapa. Godina izdavanja: 1893.

Opis (eng)

A copious commentary of an extract from Arrian’s Anabasis related to the Alexander the Great’s conquest of the Middle Asia, written by a German astronomer and meteorologist Franz von Schwarz (1847–1903). Schwarz lived and worked sixteen years in Tashkent and he is the author of several works on history and ethnography of the peoples of Turkmenistan. The book is illustrated and contains seven maps. Year of publishing: 1893.






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Alexander the Great (356BC-323BC)

Aleksandar Veliki (356BC-323BC)