Naslov (eng)

The Taymouth Castle manuscript of Sir Gilbert Hay's "Buik of King Alexander the Conquerour


Herrmann, Albert


R. Gaertners Verlagsbuchhandlung

Opis (srp)

Studija o delu Buik of King Alexander the Conquerour Gilberta Heja. Autor je nemački filolog i profesor Albert Herman. Gilbert Hej je bio škotski pesnik i prevodilac iz 15. veka. Ovo delo, koje je samo delimično sačuvano u Taymouth Castle u Škotskoj, je jedna od dve poznate škotske verzije Aleksandride. Glavni tekstualni izvor za ovo delo bio je stari francuski tekst, Li romans d’Alixandre, koji se pripisuje Aleksandru de Bernaju. Godina izdavanja: 1898.

Opis (eng)

A study of Gilbert Hay’s Buik of King Alexander the Conquerour, written by a German philologist and professor Albert Hermann. Gilbert Hay was a Scottish poet and translator from the 15th century. This work, which is only partially preserved at Taymouth Castle in Scotland, is one of the the two known Scots versions of the Alexander romance. A principal source text for these was the Old French text, Li romans d’Alixandre, attributed to Alexandre de Bernay. Year of publishing: 1898.






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Aleksandar Veliki (356BC-323BC)

Alexander the Great (356BC-323BC)


Alexander romance

Hay, Gilbert - "The Buik of King Alexander the Conquerour"