Naslov (deu)

Zu den Sagen von Gog und Magog


Bieling, Hugo


Weidmannsche Buchhandlung

Opis (eng)

A short study of Gog and Magog, the names which in several books of the Old Testament as well as in Qur’an, written by a German historian of literature Hugo Bieling. The origin of this names it obscure, but the mentioning of Gog and Magog in the Bible has attracted attention due to its prophetic nature and even became a part of Christian eschatology. The names Gog and Magog are present in the Christian, Jewish and Islamic tradition, in the Alexander romance, and they were associated with different peoples, e.g. Goths, Khazars or Mongolians. Year of publishing: 1882

Opis (srp)

Kratka studija o Gogu and Magogu, imenima koja se javljaju u nekoliko knjiga Starog zaveta kao i u Kuranu, koju je napisao nemački istoričar književnosti Hugo Biling. Poreklo ovih imena je nejasno, ali pominjanje Goga i Magoga u Bibliji privukla su pažnju zbog svoje proročanske prirode i čak su postali deo hrišćanske eshatologije. Imena Gog i Magog su prisutna u hrišćanskoj, jevrejskoj i islamskoj tradiciji, u Aleksandridi, i povezivana su sa različitim narodima, npr. Gotima, Hazarima ili Mongolima. Godina izdavanja: 1882.






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