Naslov (lat)

Historia Alexandri Magni Regis Macedoniae de proeliis




Georg Husner

Opis (eng)

A rare incunabula, which is one of many medieval versions of the Alexander romance. The most widespread Latin version of the story was the Historia de preliis, printed at Strasburg in 1486. It is said to have been written by the Neapolitan Archpresbyter Leo, who was sent to Constantinople where he found his Greek original. First published in 1472 in Cologne, and then again in 1475 in the Netherlands. The third edition was printed in Strasburg in 1486. A popular work of the time, this Latin text was printed again (also in Strasburg) in 1489 and 1494, as well as in German in 1488 and 1493. This book is the third Strasburg edition in Latin (1494).

Opis (eng)

Year of publishing: 1494.

Opis (srp)

Retka inkunabula, jedna od mnogih srednjovekovnih verzija Aleksandride. Najrasprostranjenija latinska verzija priče bila je Historia de preliis, štampana u Strazburu 1486. smatra se da ju je napisao napolitanac arhiprezbiter Leo, koji je bio poslat u Konstantinopolj gde je pronašao grčki original. Prvi put je objavljena 1472. u Kelnu, a zatim 1475. godine u Holandiji. Treće izdanje je štampano u Strazburu 1486. godine. Kao popularno delo u tom periodu, ovaj latinski tekst štampan je ponovo (opet u Strazburu) 1489. i 1494. godine i na nemačkom jeziku 1488. i 1493. godine. Ova knjiga je treće izdanje na latinskom jeziku izdato u Strazburu (1494)

Opis (srp)

Godina izdavanja: 1494.






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Aleksandar Veliki (356BC-323BC)


Alexander the Great (356BC-323BC)

Alexander romance