Naslov (eng)

The alliterative romance of Alexander : from the unique manuscript in the Ashmolean Muesum


Joseph, Stevenson

Opis (srp)

Kritičko izdanje pesme, pisane u aliteracionim stihovima, koja predstavlja jednu od engleskih verzija srednjovekovne Aleksandride. Ne zna se ništa o autoru pesme. Period kada je nastala pesma je neizvestan a rukopis iz koga je nastala potiče iz sredine 15. veka. Pesma je prevod, manje ili više blizak ranijoj francuskoj i latinskoj verziji Aleksandride

Opis (srp)

Godina izdavanja: 1849.

Opis (eng)

A critical edition of the poem, written in the alliterative verses, which presents one of the English versions of the medieval Alexander romance. Nothing is known of the author of the poem. The period when it was composed is also uncertain and the manuscript from which it is reproduced is from the middle of the 15th century. The poem is a translation, more or less close, from an earlier – French or Latin – version of the Alexander romance

Opis (eng)

Year of publishing: 1849.






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Alexander the Great (356BC-323BC)

Aleksandar Veliki (356BC-323BC)
