Naslov (deu)

Beiträge zur Geschichte des Alexanderromans


Nöldeke, Theodor


In Commission bei F. Tempsky

Opis (srp)

Studija o sirijskoj, arapskoj i persijskoj verziji Aleksandride koju je napisao Teodor Neldeke (1863-1930), slavni istraživač semitskih jezika. Bio je jedan od najpoznatijih nemačkih orijentalista svoga vremena, a najbolji je bio u oblasti filologije. Esej Istorija Kurana (Histoire du Coran, 1859, objavljena sledeće godine kao proširena verzija na nemaćkom) doneo mu je nagradu francuske Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres i reputaciju u čitalačkim krugovima. Neldeke je znao većinu teških jezika Bliskog Istoka, semitski i islamski, a napisao je i značajna dela iz semitske lingvistike, uključujući i nekoliko značajnih gramatika. Urednik je i nekih važnih tekstova pisanih na ovim jezicima i napisao puno knjiga i članaka o različitim aspektima kulture, istorije i religije Bliskog Istoka.

Opis (srp)

Godina izdavanja: 1890.

Opis (eng)

A study of the Syriac, Arabic and Persian versions of the Alexander romance, written by Theodor Nöldeke (1836–1930), a celebrated scholar of Semitics. Nöldeke was one the most famous German orientalist of the time and it is as a philologist that he was at his best. An essay, History of Koran (Histoire du Coran, 1859, published the following year in an expanded version in German) won him the prize of the French Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres and a reputation in the learned circles. Nöldeke had mastered most of the difficult languages of the Near East, both Semitic and Islamic, and wrote many important works on Semitic linguistics, including several notable grammars. He also edited important texts written in these languages and wrote many books and articles on various aspects of Near Eastern culture, history and religion.

Opis (eng)

Year of publishing: 1890.






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Aleksandar Veliki (356BC-323BC)


Alexander the Great (356BC-323BC)

Alexander romance