Naslov (srp)

Vojna terminologija u arapskom jeziku : doktorska disertacija


Babić, Jelena, 1985-, 64839689


Mitrović, Anđelka, 1951-, 12349543

Opis (eng)

The subject matter of this doctoral dissertation is military terminology within the Arabic language. The main objective of this paper is to describe the system of military terminology in Arabic based on excerpted terms from relevant scientific and professional literature. The paper is divided into four main thematic sections. After the introductory remarks, the first section focuses on the creation and development of terminology as a scientific discipline during the first half of the 20th century, by reviewing the teaching of the most important terminology schools in the world and highlighting the beliefs and understandings of the most prominent scholars in the field of terminology. The second section of the paper focuses on the creation and development of terminology as a scientific discipline in the Arab world, along with the presentation of the most important Academies of the Arabic language situated in the majority of capital cities in those Arab countries, followed by Pan-Arab and international organizations where the Arabic language is studied. Furthermore, this section elucidates the formation of terms in the Arabic language, while Arabization is given special attention. The third part of the paper focuses on the language of the military profession. The characteristics of oral and written communication in the military are described and the work of Arab institutions, where the specifically Arabic language of the military profession is studied, is also analysed. The fourth section pays close attention to the central theme of the paper – the Arabic-English- Serbian dictionary of military terms. Having been previously tabulated, terms are divided into themes (weapons, parts of weapons and ammunition; military vehicles, vessels and aircrafts; military ranks and the various arms of the service; military equipment, skills and activities; military doctrine and strategy) after which the excerpted military terms are analysed phonologically, morphologically and semantically. The concluding remarks are made on the basis of a descriptive analysis of the Arabic military terminology system and indicate the existence of a large number of calques caused by the influence of colonizers’ language, mainly French and English, having a significant impact on the development of military, but also general professional terminology, within the Arabic language. The current unavailability of insights into the oral military communication and the secrecy of the majority of official military documents, leave enough space for future research of the military profession’s specific nomenclature.

Opis (srp)

Predmet istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije je vojna terminologija u arapskom jeziku. Osnovni cilj ovog rada je da na osnovu ekscerpiranih termina iz relevantne naucne i strucne literature opiše vojni terminosistem u arapskom jeziku. Rad je podeljen u cetiri osnovne tematske celine. Nakon uvodnih napomena pažnja prvog dela posvecena je nastanku i razvoju terminologije kao naucne discipline tokom prve polovine 20. veka, pregledom ucenja najznacajnijih terminoloških škola u svetu i ukazivanjem na stavove najistaknutijih naucnika na polju terminologije. Druga celina rada bavi se nastankom i razvojem terminologije kao naucne discipline u arapskom svetu, uz predstavljanje rada najznacajnijih Akademija za arapski jezik koje se nalaze u gotovo svim prestonicama arapskih zemalja, potom panarapskih i meunarodnih organizacija koje se bave proucavanjem arapskog jezika. Takoe, u ovom delu rada daje se prikaz tvorbe termina u arapskom jeziku i narocita pažnja posvecuje se arabizaciji. Treca celina rada bavi se jezikom vojne struke. Opisuju se karakteristike usmenog i pisanog izražavanja u vojsci i analizira se rad arapskih institucija koje se bave proucavanjem arapskog jezika vojne struke. Cetvrta celina posvecena je centralnoj temi ovo rada, arapsko-englesko-srpskom recniku vojnih termina. Nakon tabelarnog prikaza termina, izvršena je njihova podela po tematskim oblastima (oružje, delovi oružja i municija; vojna vozila, plovila i letelice; vojni cinovi i rodovi vojske; vojna oprema, veštine i aktivnosti; vojna doktrina i strategija) i izvršena je fonološka, morfološka i semanticka analiza ekscerpiranih vojnih termina. Zakljucna razmatranja, nastala na osnovu deskriptivne analize arapskog vojnog terminosistema, ukazuju na postojanje velikog broja kalkova i uticaj jezika kolonizatora, uglavnom francuskog i engleskog, na razvoj vojne, ali i sveukupne strucne terminologije u arapskom. Trenutna nedostupnost uvida u usmenu vojnu komunikaciju i tajnost vecine službenih vojnih dokumenata, ostavljaju dovoljno prostora za buduca istraživanja jezika vojne struke.

Opis (srp)

Lingvisticka arabistika - Terminologija / Arabic linguistics - Terminology Datum odbrane: 03.11.2020.






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OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Arapski jezik

arapski jezik, vojna terminologija, tvorba termina, arabizacija, kalkiranje, leksickopozajmljivanje, terminološki dubleti, strandardizacija termina

OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Arapski jezik

Arabic language, military terminology, term formation, Arabization, calquing, lexicalborrowing, terminological doublets, term standardization