Naslov (ara)



al-’UḪridî, Abū Yūsuf Sulaymān

Opis (srp)

Pošto je vizija o prvenstvu jedinstva islamske zajednice (ume) nužno podignutana obrisima nauke koja se bavi hadisima, naučnici koji su se specijalizovali za hadise bili su značajni za artikulaciju sunizma. Stari naučnici, kao što su Ibn Sad (umro 784. god. n.e) i Ibn Hanbal (umro 855. god.n.e), imali su presudnu ulogu u presunitskoj (ili kako se zove protosunitskoj) elaboraciji pristupa islamskoj doktrini i praksi. Ustanovljenje literature hadisa je stoga još jedan osnovni aspekt sunizma.

Opis (eng)

Because this vision of the primacy of the unity of the Muslim community (the umma) was necessarily constructed upon a framework of scholarship that revolved around hadith, scholars who specialized in hadith were crucial to the articulation of Sunnism. Early scholars, such as Ibn Sa'd (d. 784) and Ibn Hanbal (d. 855), played a critical role in the pre-Sunni (or, as it has been called, proto-Sunni) elaboration of approaches to Islamic doctrine and practice. The consolidation of hadith literature is therefore another foundational aspect of Sunnism.

Opis (eng)

Because this vision of the primacy of the unity of the Muslim community (the umma) was necessarily constructed upon a framework of scholarship that revolved around hadith, scholars who specialized in hadith were crucial to the articulation of Sunnism. Early scholars, such as Ibn Sa'd (d. 784) and Ibn Hanbal (d. 855), played a critical role in the pre-Sunni (or, as it has been called, proto-Sunni) elaboration of approaches to Islamic doctrine and practice. The consolidation of hadith literature is therefore another foundational aspect of Sunnism.






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