ibn ‘Abd ar-Raḥmān, Yūnus
ibn Sa‘d ad-Dīn al-’Uḫriwî, Sulaymān
One of the most decisive aspects of which groups and individual ulama (scholars) would become central to articulating the historical vision of Sunnism was the patronage and support of the Abbasid regime (8th-13th centuries C.E.), ruling from Baghdad. As noted, a hallmark of Sunni Islam, which in basic tenets (the "five pillars" of shahadah, prayer, fasting, almsgiving, and pilgrimage) is identical to any sect of Islam, is its vision of the primacy of the unity of the Muslim community (the umma) and its earliest leaders, notably the Prophet himself and his successors and Companions.
Među najodlučnijim aspekata koje grupe ili pojedinci uleme (obazovanih pojedinaca) će postati centralni za artikulisanje istorijske vizije sunizma bili su pokroviteljstvo i podrška abasidskog režima (8-13. vek naše ere) koji je stolovao u Bagdadu. Kao što je spomenuto, obeležje sunitskog islama koji u osnovnim načelima (pet stubova, šahada, molitva, post, milostinja i hodočašće) identičan je kod svih islamskih sekti, predstavlja viziju o prioritetu jedinstva islamske zajednice (ume) i najstarijim predvodnicima, pre svega samog proroka i njegovih naslednika i pratilaca.
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