Maqālātu ahli l-bid‘a wa aǧūbatu ahli s-sunna wa l-ǧamā‘a
Shi'ite accounts regarding Ali's attitude toward the Caliphs differs from these Sunni views. They maintain that in order to avoid a civil war and bringing down the fledgling Islamic empire, Ali refrained from fighting for his usurped right to the Caliphate. He remained secluded for the first few months after the demise of the Prophet and collected and documented the Quran. He never accepted any of the Caliphs as explicitly mentioned in many of his writings and sayings (now compiled as NehjulBalagha). However, he did support them in making several critical government decisions in the wider interests of the community. Umar ibn Khattab is reported to have said "If it were not for Ali, Umar would not have survived."
Šiitska tradicija vezana za Alijev stav prema halifama razlikuje se od sunitske. Oni drže da se Ali, u nameri da izbegne građanski rat i izazove propast mladog islamskog carstva, suzdržao od borbe za oduzeta prava na halifat. Prvih nekoliko meseci posle prorokove smrti, ostao je u izolaciji pa je sakupio i dokumentovao Kuran. Nikada nije prihvatio nijednog halifu kao što je eksplicitno spomenuto u mnogim njegovim spisima i izrekama (danas kompilaciji pod imenom Nahdžu l-balaga). Međutim, pružio im je podršku u donošenju nekoliko kritičnih vladarskih odluka za širi interes zajednice. Umar ibn Hatab je navodno izjavio: "Kad ne bi bilo Alija, Umar ne bi preživeo."
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