Naslov (ara)

Miḥkātu l-’anwār


al-Ġazzālî, Abū Ḥāmid Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad

Opis (eng)

In his Introduction to the translation of Mishkat al-Anwar, published by Royal Asiatic Society, London, 1924, William Henry Temple Gairdner says: "The Mishkat al-Anwar [The Niche for Lights] is a work of extreme interest from the viewpoint of al-Ghazzali`sinner life and esoteric thought. The glimpses it gives of that life and thought are remarkably, perhaps uniquely, intimate. It begins where his autobiographical Al-Munqidh min ad-Dalâl[The Rescuer from theSins] leaves off. Its esotericism excited the curiosity and even the suspicion of Muslim thinkers from the first, and we have deeply interesting allusions to it in Ibn Tufail and Ibn Rushd, the celebrated philosophers of Western Islam, who flourished within the century after al-Ghazzali`sdeath in 1111 (A.H. 505) - a fact which, again, increases its importance and interest for us."

Opis (srp)

U uvodu u prevod dela Miškat al-Anvar, koji je objavilo Kraljevsko azijsko društvo u Londonu 1924. Vilijam Henri Templ Gerdner veli sledeće: "Miškat al-Anvar [Niša za svetla] je delo od izuzetnog značaja u ogledu Gazalijevog unutarnjeg života i ezoterijske misli. Zapažanja koja o takvom životu i misli pruža su izvanredno, možda jedinstveno, intimna. Ovo delo počinje tamo gde se njegovo autobiografsko Al-Munkid min ad-dalal [Izbavitelj od greha] zaustavlja. Od samog početka, njegova ezoterija je pobudila znatiželju i čak sumnju muslimanskih mislilaca i raspolažemo veoma zanimljivim aluzijama na to kod Ibn Tufajla i Ibn Rušda, proslavljenih filozofa na zapadu islamskog sveta, koji su uživali u popularnosti čitav vek posle Gazalijeve smrti 1111. (505. A.H) - što je činjenica koja, opet, povećava njen značaj i naše zanimanje za nju."






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