Naslov (ara)

Bismi l-Lahi r-Raḥmani r-Raḥim, kitab ǧawhar fara'id...



Opis (eng)

Ibn Taymiyya is not only accepting that the weak are acceptable in the case of encouraging good deeds and disouraging evil ones, but he is showing clearly that he accepted the use of Isra'iliyyât, stories related from the Jews, which many Salafis reject today as unacceptable. And this is verified in the hadith of the Prophet, "narrate from the hadith of BaniIsra'il and there is noharm in doing it. "Ibn Taymiyya continues:"As for what has been authenticated as lawful to us, by way of the Isa'iliyyât that has not been proven and no scholar believes in that. And Ahmad ibn Hanbal and the like of the Imams never depend on hadith like this in shari'ah."

Opis (srp)

Ibn Tajmija ne samo da prihvata da su slabi hadisi prihvatljivi u slučaju podsticanja na dobra dela i odvraćanja od loših već jasno pokazuje da prihvata korišćenje Israilijat, priča povezanih sa Jevrejima koje danas mnogi salafi odbacuju kao neprihvatljive. I to je provereno u hadisima o proroku: "pripovedajte od hadisa plemena Izraela i nije nikakva šteta to činiti." Ibn Tajmija nastavlja sledećim rečima: "A što se tiče toga da je osvedočeno kao zakonomerno za nas da način korišćenja Israilijat nije proveren, nijedan naučnik u to ne veruje. I Ahmad ibn Hanbal i njemu slični imami nikada ne zavise od takvog hadisa u šerijatu."






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Islamic law

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