Naslov (ara)

Šarh bahgati l-albab fi ilm al-asturlab


al-Hamidi, Muhammad ibn Šayh Ali

Opis (eng)

The astrolabe was introduced to the Islamic world in the eighth and ninth centuries through translations of Greek texts. The astrolabe was fully developed during the early centuries of Islam. Arab treatises on the astrolabe were published in the ninth century and indicate a long familiarity with the instrument (the oldest existing instruments are Arabic from the tenth century, and there are nearly 40 instruments from the 11th and 12th centuries). The astrolabe was inherently valuable in Islam because of its ability to determine the time of day and, therefore, prayer times and as an aid in finding the direction to Mecca. It must also be noted that astrology was a deeply imbedded element of early Islamic culture and that astrology was one of the principle uses of the astrolabe. Year of publishing: 1765.

Opis (srp)

Astrolab se pojavio u islamskom svetu u osmom i devetom veku posredstvom prevoda grčkih tekstova. Astrolab se potpuno razvio u ranom periodu postojanja islama. Arapski traktati o astrolabu pojavili su se u devetom veku i oni ukazuju na to da je taj predmet dugo bio blizak Arapima (najstariji sačuvani arapski instrumenti potiču iz desetog veka a ima i skoro četrdeset instrumenata iz jedanaestog i dvanaestog veka). Astrolab je u islamu bio izuzetno važan zbog mogućnosti da se odredi vreme tokom dana i stoga vreme za molitvu i kao sredstvo da se ustanovi gde se nalazi Meka. Mora se istaći i da je astrologija bila duboko ukorenjena u ranu kulturu islama i da se astrolab koristio pre svega u svrhu astrologije. Godina izdavanja: 1765.






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