Naslov (ara)




Opis (eng)

The parts of the Sunnah which consist of the Prophet's words were in the Companions' own language, so they knew its meaning and understood its phrases and context. As far as the Prophet's deeds were concerned, they used to witness them, then tell others exactly what they had seen. For example, hundreds of people saw the Prophet making ablutions Wudu' and then adopted hispractice without asking him about details; like which of the various actions in Wudu' were obligatory and which were recommended, which were merelyallowed and which were not. Likewise, they witnessed him performing Hajjand Salah, and the other acts of worship.

Opis (srp)

Delovi sune koji se sastoje od prorokovih reči nalazili su se u jeziku samih njegovih pratilaca pa su znali šta znače i razumeli su njihovo značenje i kontekst. Što se tiče prorokovih dela, njegovi pratioci su im obično prisustvovali pa su drugima rekli upravo ono što su videli. Na primer, stotine ljudi videlo je proroka kako obavlja pranje pre molitve, vudu i potom su prihvatili njegovu praksu a da ga nisu pitali za detalje, kao što su koji su postupci vudua obavezni a koji preporučljivi, koji su tek dozvoljeni a koji nisu. Slično tome, prisustvovali su njegovom hodocašću i molitvi i drugim primerima verskih postupaka.






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