Naslov (ara)

Bismi l-Lahi r-Raḥmani r-Raḥim, al-ḥamdu li l-Lah...




, Aḥmad

Opis (srp)

Sam Ali je bio čvrsto uveren u legitimnost svog potraživanja vlasti na osnovu bliskosti sa Muhamedom, bliske povezanosti sa njim i znanja o islamu i zasluga stečenih u služenju tog cilja. Abu Bakru je rekao da je odložio izricanje odanosti (baja) halifi zasnovano na uverenju da on ima prvenstvo za taj položaj. Ali se nije predomislio kada je konačno izrekao lojalnost Abu Bakru a potom Umar i Utmanu, ali je tako postupio da bi u islamu ostalo jedinstvo u trenutku kada je bilo očigledno da su mu muslimani okrenuli leđa.

Opis (eng)

Ali himself was firmly convinced of his legitimacy for caliphate based on his close kinship with Muhammad, his intimate association and his knowledge of Islam and his merits in serving its cause. He told Abu Bakr that his delay in pledging allegiance (bay'ah) as caliph was based on his belief of his own prior title. Ali did not change his mind when he finally pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr and then to Umar and to Uthman but had done so for the sake of the unity of Islam, at a time when it was clear that the Muslims had turned away from him.






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