Duraru l-ḥukkām fī šarḥi ġurari l-’aḥkām
ibn Farāmurz ibn ‘Alî, Muḥammad
ibnTūrġūd, Muṣṭafa
As for those matters which the Lawgiver has permitted and allowed, then at times they lead to that which is good, and so are joined to those matters which have been commanded; and at other times they lead to that which is evil, and so are joined to those matters which are prohibited. So this is a great asl that: “al-wasaa‘ilulahaaahkaamul-maqaasid (the means take on the same ruling as their aims).” Year of publishing: 1599.
Što se tiče onih pitanja koje je zakonodavac dozvolio i odobrio, one povremeno vode do onoga što je dobro i tako su pridružene onim pitanjima koja su naređena; ponekad dovode do onoga što je zlo pa su tako pridružena onome što je zabranjeno. Ovaj je veliki asl koji glasi: "al-wasaa'ilulahaaahkaamul-maqaasid (sredstvo na koje se primenjuje i to pravilo kao na cilj)." Godina izdavanja: 1599.
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