Naslov (tur)

Bismi l-Lahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim...


, Ibrahim ibn aš-Šayh...

Opis (eng)

Little is known of Muhammad during his later youth, and from the fragmentary information that is available, it is difficult to separate history from legend. It is known that he became a merchant and "was involved in trade between the Indian ocean and the Mediterranean Sea." Due to his upright character he acquired the nickname "al-Amin", meaning "faithful, trustworthy" and "al-Sadiq" meaning "truthful" and was sought out as an impartial arbitrator. His reputation attracted a proposal in 595 from Khadijah, a 40-year-old widow who was 15 years older than he. Muhammad consented to the marriage, which by all accounts was a happy one.

Opis (srp)

Malo se zna o kasnijem periodu Muhamedove mladosti i iz tih fragmentarnih informacija kojima raspolažemo teško je odvojiti istoriju od legende. Poznato je da je postao trgovac i "da je učestvovao u trgovini između Indijskog okeana i Sredozemnog mora". Zahvaljujući čestitoj prirodi stekao je nadimak al-Amin što znači poverljiv, veran i as-Sadik što znači istinoljubiv pa su ga tražili kao nepristrasnog arbitra. Njegov dobar glas je 595. godine podstakao Hadidžu, četrdesetogodišnju udovicu, petnaest godina stariju od njega, da ga zaprosi. Muhamed je pristao na brak koji je po svim svedočanstvima bio srećan.






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