Naslov (ara)

[... al-'ayyam wa l-'awan al laḏi...]



Opis (eng)

There are some hadiths asserting that Muhammad said that some would be desirous of power but he knew that God (and the Muslims) would make Abu Bakr the next leader. Sunnis point to the fact that the majority of the people accepted Abu-Bakr as their leader as proof that his selection was wise and just. A narration by MousaIbn 'Aoqbah in the book Siyara`lam al-nubala by Al-Dhahabi:...Then Ali and Al-Zobair said: we see that Abu Bakr is more worthier to be the rightful successor of the prophet than anyone else...Shi'ites maintain that any narrations stating Ali agreed to Abu Bakr's selection are fabricated.

Opis (srp)

Postoji izvestan broj hadisa u kojima se tvrdi da je Muhamed rekao da će neki poželeti vlast, ali je znao da će Bog (i muslimani) postaviti Abu Bakra za sledećeg vođu. Suniti ukazuju na činjenicu da većina naroda prihvata Abu Bakraza vođu kao dokaz da je njegov izbor mudar i pravedan. Evo priče Muse ibn Aokbe u knjizi Sijaralam an-nubala autora Ad-Dahabija: "Tada su Ali i Az-Zubajr rekli: vidimo da je Abu Bakr vredniji kao pravedni naslednik proroka od bilo koga drugog..." Šiiti se drže toga da su izmišljene sve priče u kojima se tvrdi da se Ali složio sa izborom Abu Bakra.






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