Naslov (tur)

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Opis (srp)

Muhamedova misija podrazumeva propovedanje monoteizma: Kuran zapoveda Muhameduda proglasi i pohvali ime Gospoda i daje mu uputstvo da se ne klanja idolima niti da drug božanstva dovodi u vezu sa Bogom. Glavne teme ranih kuranskih stihova uključivale su odgovornost čoveka prema tvorcu, vaskrsnuće mrtvih, Božji konačni sud za kojim sledi živi opis mučenja u paklu i uživanja u raju i Božji znaci u svim aspektima života. Religijske dužnosti su od vernika u isto vreme zahtevale vrlo malo: veru u Boga, traženje oproštaja za grehe, česte molitve, pomaganje drugima, naročito onima kojima je to potrebno, odbacivanje prevare i ljubav prema bogatstvu (koja se smatrala značajnom za trgovački život u Meki), poštenje i zabrana ubijanja ženske novorođenčadi. Godina izdavanja: 1689.

Opis (eng)

Muhammad's mission also involves preaching monotheism: The Quran commands Muhammad to proclaim and praise the name of his Lord and instructs him not to worship idols or associate other deities with God.The key themes of the early Quranic verses included the responsibility of man towards his creator; the resurrection of dead, God's final judgment followed by vivid descriptions of the tortures in hell and pleasures in Paradise; and the signs of God in all aspects of life. Religious duties required of the believers at this time were few: belief in God, asking for forgiveness of sins, offering frequent prayers, assisting others particularly those in need, rejecting cheating and the love of wealth (considered to be significant in the commercial life of Mecca), being chaste and not to kill newborn girls. Year of publishing: 1689.






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