Naslov (ara)

Bismi l-Lahi r-Raḥmani r-Raḥim, qawluhu...




Efendî, Amīr

Opis (srp)

Postoji jedan hadis u zbirci zvanoj Musnad u kojem se tvrdi da je Muhamed održao govor u Gadir Humu u kojem je rekao: "Čiji god da sam ja maula (učitelj), Ali je maula." Šiitima je to bila najočiglednija poruka proroka u kojoj se potvrđuje Ali kao njegov naslednik. Isto tako, u knjigama obeju strana zabeleženo je da je Umar ibn hatab prvi čestitao Aliju na tome što je određen za naslednika i obavezao se na odanost među ostalima koji su bili prisutni.

Opis (eng)

There is one hadith in the collection known as the Musnad which affirms that Muhammad made a speech at GhadirKhumm, in which he said, "Of whomsoever I am the mawla, Ali is his mawla". For the Shi'ites this was the clearest message by the Prophet confirming Ali would be the successor after him. It is also recorded in books from both sides that Umar ibn Khattab was the first person to congratulate Ali on becoming the successor and took allegiance at his hand among all the others present.






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