Bayan haqiqati t-tawhid
, Abu al-Muntahi
Godine 619. umrli su Muhamedova žena Hadidža i njegov stric Abu Talib, ta godina je stoga poznata kao godina žalosti. Posle smrti Abu Taliba, vođstvo klana Banu Hašima prebačeno je na Abu Lahaba, okorelog Muhamedovog neprijatelja. Ubrzo potom, Abu Lahab je ukinuo zaštitnički odnos prema Muhamedu. Tako je Muhamed doveden u smrtnu opasnost budući da je povlačenje zaštite klana nagoveštavalo da ne bi bila tražena krvna osveta za njegovo ubistvo. Muhamed je tada otišao u Tajif, još jedan važan grad u Arabiji i pokušao da tamo pronađe sebi zaštitnika, ali njegov napor je bio uzaludan i još više ga doveo u fizičku opasnost. Muhamed je bio prinuđen da se vrati u Meku. Stanovnik Meke pod imenom Mut'im b. Adi (i zaštita plemena Banu Naufal) omogućili su mu da se bezbedno vrati u rodni grad. Godina izdavanja: 1747.
Muhammad's wife Khadijah and his uncle Abu Talib both died in 619, the year thus being known as the "year of sorrow". With the death of Abu Talib, the leadership of the Banu Hashim clan was passed to Abu Lahab, an inveterate enemy of Muhammad. Soon afterwards, Abu Lahab withdrew the clan's protection from Muhammad. This placed Muhammad in danger of death since the withdrawal of clan protection implied that the blood revenge for his killing would not be exacted. Muhammad then visited Ta'if, another important city in Arabia, and tried to find a protector for himself there, but his effort failed and further brought him into physical danger. Muhammad was forced to return to Mecca. A Meccan man named Mut'im b. Adi (and the protection of the tribe of BanuNawfal) made it possible for him safely to re-enter his native city. Year of publishing: 1747.
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