Naslov (ara)

Arba wa hamsun farida


al-Basri, Al-Hasan

Opis (eng)

To these two Quranic heirs, the mother and the father, the maternal grandmother and paternal grandfather have been added by analogy. The maternal grandmother substitutes the mother in the latter's absence."... but if he has brothers (or sisters) then for the mother one-sixth" [Quran 4:11] The consensus of opinion is that the word "akhwatun" used in the Quranic text means two or more brothers or sisters of any kind. So that any combination of full, consanguine or uterine brothers and sisters, if two or more will mean that the mother inherits a one-sixth share. "And for you there is one-half of what your wives leave behind if there is no child, but if they leave a child then for you there is one-fourth of what they leave behind;... " [Quran 4:12]

Opis (srp)

Ovim dvama kuranskim naslednicima, majci i ocu, analogijom su dodati baba sa majčine strane i deda s očeve strane. Baba sa majčine strane zamenjuje majku u odsustvu ove druge. "...ali ako on ima braću (ili sestre), onda majci pripada jedna šestina." (Kuran 4:11) Postoji saglasnost oko mišljenja da reč ahvatun upotrebljena u kuranskom tekstu označava dvojicu ili više braće ili sestara bilo koje vrste. To podrazumeva bilo kakvu kombinaciju rođene braće, braće od tetaka i ujaka i braće i sestara po majci ako dvoje ili više znače da majka nasleđuje jednu šestinu imovine. "I za tebe postoji jedna polovina onoga što žena ostavi za sobom ako nema deteta, ali ako ostave dete, onda tebi sleduje jedna četvrtina onoga što je ostavila za sobom..." (Kuran 4:12)






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