Kitab al-wasiyya
, Abu Hanifa Numan ibn Tabit
Establishing Shari'ah legislation, prescribing law, laying down rules and regulations, and defining systems is a function which is specific to Allah alone. Anyone who presumes to ascribe these functions to any other than Allah commits the sin of al Shirk, as, in doing so, he has effectively contradicted the belief in the Oneness of Allah Tawhid. Allah has provided articulate proofs and clear source-evidence in order that the believers should have no trouble in finding their way to the particulars of His legislation, or Ahkam, with reference to some of this source-evidence, the Islamic Ummah has agreed on its validity and its relevance to the Ahkam, and has accepted it as such. However there are differences with regard to other source-evidence.
Uspostavljanje šerijata, donošenje zakona, propisivanje pravila i odredaba, i definisanje sistema jeste funkcija za koju je nadležan sam Alah. Svi koji se usude da te funkcije pripišu nekom drugom, a ne Alahu, čine greh širka pošto se kosi sa verom u jedinstvo Alaha, tavhid. Alah je obezbedio jasne dokaze i vidljive izvore - svedočanstva da vernici ne bi trebalo da imaju poblema da pronađu put ka pojedinostima njegovog pravosuđa, ili ahkam. Upućivanjem na neke od tih izvora - svedočanstava islamska uma se složila oko njene vrednosti i odnosa sa ahkam, i prihvatila ih je u tom smislu. Međutim, postoje razlike u odnosu na druge izvore - svedočanstva.
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