Bismi l-Lahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, inna anzalnahu yani l-Quran...
Puno sveta je posećivalo Meku poslom ili kao hodočašće u Kabu. Muhamed je iskoristio tu mogućnost da sebi i svojim sledbenicima potraži novi dom. Posle nekoliko neuspešnih pregovora, našao je utočište kod nekoliko ljudi iz Jatriba (kasnije nazvane Medina). Arapskom stanovništvu Jatriba monoteizam je bio blizak i pripremilo se za pojavu proroka jer je tamo postojala jevrejska zajednica. Oni su se, takođe, nadali da će uz pomoć Muhameda i nove vere steći prevlast nad Mekom pošto su bili ljubomorni na njen značaj kao mesto hodočašća.
Many people were visiting Mecca on business or as pilgrims to the Kaaba. Muhammad took this opportunity to look for a new home for himself and his followers. After several unsuccessful negotiations, he found hope with some men from Yathrib (later called Medina). The Arab population of Yathrib were familiar with monotheism and prepared for the appearance of a prophet because a Jewish community existed there. They also hoped by the means of Muhammad andthe new faith to gain supremacy over Mecca, as they were jealous of its importance as the place of pilgrimage.
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