Naslov (ara)

Bismi l-Lahi r-Raḥmani r-Raḥim wa bihi nastain, al-ḥamdu li l-Lah...


, Isḥaq

Opis (srp)

Veličina prorokove brige da podstakne članove sahabe da donose idžtihad i podučavanje da ga donesu može se videti u njegovim rečima: "Kada sudija donese idžtihad i dostigne ispravan zaključak, on stiče dvostruku nagradu, a ako je zaključak pogrešan, on i dalje stiče nagradu." Idžtihad mnogih članova sahabe bio je tako tacan da ga je u mnogim slucajevima otkrovenje Kurana potvrdilo i prorok podržao. Očigledno, činjenica što su bili blisko povezani sa njim donela im je dubok osećaj za namere sve mudrog zakonodavca, osnovne namere koje leže iza kuranske legislacije i značenje teksta, prilike koje nisu imali oni koji su došli posle njih.

Opis (eng)

The extent of the Prophet's concern with encouraging the Sahabah to make Ijtihad and training them in its use can be seen in his saying "When a judge makes Ijtihad and reaches a correct conclusion, he receives a double reward; and if his conclusion is incorrect, he still receives a reward."The Ijtihad ofmany of the Sahabah was so accurate that in many cases the revelations of the Qur'an confirmed it, and the Prophet supported it. Obviously, their close association with the Prophet had afforded them a keen sense of the aims of theAll-wise Lawgiver, of the basic purposes behind the Qur'anic legislation, and of the meanings of the texts; opportunities which those who came after them did not directly enjoy.






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