Bismi l-Lahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim wa bihi nastain, al-hamdu l-Lah al-ladi halaqa l-alam bi gazil nuamaihi wa nawalihi...
al-Ahtari, Mustafa ibn Šams ad-din
ibn Husayn al-Busnawi al-Fugawi, Muhammad
Tokom života proroka Muhameda, sva pravna pravila (ahkam) šerijata, uključujući sve njihove podele, kao što su najvažnija i izvedena pravila, učenja o osnovama vere i regulative vezane za ličnu praksu i odredbe, potekla su iz dva izvora, Kurana i sune. Idžtihad su primenjivali prorok i oni njegovi pratioci sa sklonostima prema pravu (ahl an-nazar). Prorokov idžtihad je ponekad potvrđen u Kuranu a ponekad nije; u takvom slučaju je objašnjeno da je bolje rešenje drugačije od onog koje je prorok prihvatio. Godina izdavanja: 1631.
During the lifetime of the Prophet, all the legal rulings Ahkam of the Shari'ah, inclusive of all of its classifications, such as principal and derived rulings, teachings on the fundaments of the faith, and regulations regarding personal practice and legalities, were derived from these two sources, the Qur'an and the Sunnah. Ijtihad was practiced by the Prophet and by those of his companions with legal proclivities Ahl al Nazar. The Prophet's Ijtihad was sometimes confirmed by the Qur'an and sometimes not; in which case it was explained that the better solution was other than that whichhe had adopted. Year of publishing: 1631.
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