Bismi l-Lahi r-Raḥmani r-Raḥim, al-ḥamdu li l-Lah al-ladi...
Suniti tvrde da pogrešno tumačiti izraz prijateljstva i podrške kao imenovanje naslednika. Činjenica da je postoja ospor o vođstvu posle Muhamedove smrti dovoljan je dokaz da niko nije protumačio njegove reči kao obavezujuće imenovanje. S druge strane, šiiti smatraju da su učesnici u sporu razmetljivo nipodaštavali hadis o Gadiru i uzurpirali Alijevo pravo na nasleđivanje vođstva. U drugoj sunitskoj verziji Ibn Abas pripoveda da je Muhamed bio pomalo oprezan zbog ljudi koji će pomisliti da natura svoju porodicu da njima vlada kada mu je Alah zapovedio da proglasi Alija za naslednika (u Gadir Humu)
The Sunnis argue that it is a mistake to interpret an expression of friendship and support as the appointment of a successor. The fact that there even was a dispute over the leadership after Muhammad's death is sufficient proof that no one had interpreted his words as a binding appointment. On the other hand, the Shias regard the disputers to have blatantly disregarding the Hidith of Ghadir and usurped Ali's right to Caliphate. In another Sunni version, Ibn - Abbas narrates that when Muhammad was commanded by Allah to declare Ali's Caliphate (at Ghadir Khumm), he was a bit apprehensive because the people would think that Muhammad is enforcing his family's rule over them.
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